The Fast Family
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This site Glorifies Jesus Christ.
studi biblici
- Total Hits: 149,526
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A collection of my books
Trusting In The Word
- Total Hits: 142,967
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Sharing God's love and the promises of His Word through Scriptures, poetry, stories, writings, scripts, games, and e-cards.
Free Web Sites for Nazarene Churches
- Total Hits: 142,041
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Offering Free Web Sites to Nazarene Churches. Bringing Nazarenes together on the WWW.
The Real Journey
- Total Hits: 139,005
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A view of the life of a disciple in Southern California in 2007
Delmarva For Christ
- Total Hits: 121,758
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A Ministry to spread the word of Jesus Christ in Delmarva!
The Coming Day of the Lord and the 7th Trumpet Gathering
- Total Hits: 102,215
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Focusing on JESUS CHRIST's return to Earth as KING.
- Total Hits: 91,968
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A personal blog reflecting the joys and journey of life with Jesus and especially focusing on my Proverbs 31:13 hobbies.
Mathematical Evidence
- Total Hits: 90,916
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Mathematical Evidence that the Gen 1.1 and John 1.1 are of Divine origin. Pi and the exponential constant 'e' encoded
United Christian Ministry
- Total Hits: 87,351
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United Christian Ministry (UCM) is a Christian Ministry Website, non-denominational,dedicated to unity in the Body of Christ. All are welcome!
the addicted2jesus home
- Total Hits: 86,963
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the official addicdted2jesus home! There's a chatroom, discussions, messageboards, a graffiti wall, free e-mail, a webring, a banner exchange, a newsletter...!
Holy, Holy, Holy: Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity
- Total Hits: 86,360
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What does the Bible teach about the nature of God?