TPE Blog
- Total Hits: 316,305
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The official blog of Today's Pentecostal Evangel, the official magazine of the Assemblies of God.
- Total Hits: 312,192
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Current events relating to prophecy, Endtimes, Bible studies
WorldView3 Test Site
- Total Hits: 294,862
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An apologetics website, comparing the Biblical worldview to other worldviews.
Jim Keeling Ministries
- Total Hits: 286,383
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Today: 1
Several sites combined. The Allegre Church site, & I'm Heaven Bound site have Music. Inspirational, Testimony, Informative, Spiritual, Stories, poems, and Family plus more. May God bless your visit.
Bible Maps & Resources
- Total Hits: 281,563
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New maps for the Journeys of the Israelites when they left Egypt, including the latest archaeological reports that I could find to support the maps. The second section is the Journeys of Jesus with...
Ways Of Life
- Total Hits: 280,590
Yesterday: 3
Today: 2
private ministry helping other small ministries, devotionals, testimonies, books, etc.
Women of PASSIONS International Ministries
- Total Hits: 264,698
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Women ministering to women with emphasis on Godly living, marriage, family, ministry and missions.
Creation Facts & True Biblical Counselling
- Total Hits: 255,983
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Today: 1
A large site presenting creation evidence with another section on True Biblical Counselling (from the Bible only) in which we claim there is no such thing as mental illness. Also numerous essays on...
Eagle Connection Design
- Total Hits: 251,520
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Designing Web Sites for Churches, Organizations and Personal.
Polli's Place
- Total Hits: 224,520
Yesterday: 2
Today: 10
Personal Genealogy website
Just Be Real
- Total Hits: 217,787
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Today: 1
Are You Real?
- Total Hits: 208,210
Yesterday: 54
Today: 53
World Improvers Church International is a Pentecostal denomination for people who need help in knowing God and want to improve in every area of life.We care for people who have problems in their ho...