 | | Frequently Asked Questions |
Q. How long will it take for my account to be activated.
- A. Please allow up to 24 hours, although generally it will be much less. We must visit your site
and make sure it complies with our statement of beliefs before your
site can be authorized to use The Christian Counter.
Q. I have added the code you emailed me to my page, but it doesn't work. Can you help?
- A. The most likely problem is that you have inadvertantly put spaces or non-alphanumeric characters in the code.
The best solution is to get your code again from the members' area. Then you just cut and paste.
Q. It still doesn't work!
- A. A lot of page generators have a problem with pasted in code - especially Javascript - and will change your
carefully pasted code. I have set up a page for The Gospel Banner Exchange
to address this problem. The concept is the same for The Christian Counter.
Q. Can I set the counter number that shows, to any number?
- A. Yes. Once the counter is installed on your site, logon with your username and password, and you can change your counter numbers
at any time.
Q. Why is the number that appears for my site in your directory different than the one that appears on my pages?
- A. The number on your pages represents the hits to that page, group, or your whole site (depending on your settings),
since the counter was last reset. The number in our directory of members represents a total of all hits to all pages since you
became a member.
Q. Is it possible to stop the counter from counting my own visits to my own web pages?
- A. Absolutely! You will need to log in to your account, and at the right hand side of the window, the last button says 'Set A Cookie'. Choose
that button and follow the instructions. This is necessary, because the only way it will work is if I know that it is you that I am giving the
cookie to. In order for me to know that, then you have to be the one to request the cookie. Make sure you have cookies enabled on your browser.
Q. I've logged in and set the cookie to avoid counting my own visits to my site but the counter seems to still be incrementing each time
I visit the site. Any suggestions?
- A. If you are using Windows XP or IE 6+, you need to set the Privacy Internet Setting to Accept All, then login and set the
cookie. After that you can set the privacy back to Medium (or whatever setting it was on) and your hits won't get counted.
Q. I've tried both sets of codes on my MSN Groups web site, and neither one seems to work. What can I do?
- A. Unfortunately MSN communities doesn't allow the use of Javascript in your web pages. You will need to use the non-Javascript version.
Edit your page as HTML and paste in the non-Javascript version of the code.
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