studi biblici
- Total Hits: 150,056
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Today: 13
A collection of my books
Trusting In The Word
- Total Hits: 143,088
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Sharing God's love and the promises of His Word through Scriptures, poetry, stories, writings, scripts, games, and e-cards.
Free Web Sites for Nazarene Churches
- Total Hits: 142,356
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Offering Free Web Sites to Nazarene Churches. Bringing Nazarenes together on the WWW.
The Real Journey
- Total Hits: 139,266
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A view of the life of a disciple in Southern California in 2007
Hebron Baptist Church
- Total Hits: 136,184
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The online ministry of Hebron Baptist Church,Hebron, Kentucky. A ministry teaching youth and adults about God and Jesus Christ.
Home Of The Real McCoy Poetry
- Total Hits: 127,914
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A Fundamental Baptist poetry website to encourage God's children to cling to the Lord Jesus Christ, and to find Refuge (in Him) in the Storms of Life.
Christian Pro-life Resources Philippines
- Total Hits: 127,010
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RESCUING THE UNBORN GENERATION: This is my Christian pro-life Blogger.Com blog that is relevant to the Philippines, seeking to share the burden to pray, speak up and act for the unborn generation t...
Delmarva For Christ
- Total Hits: 121,806
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A Ministry to spread the word of Jesus Christ in Delmarva!
The Gaglio Zone
- Total Hits: 117,555
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Site intends to edify believers & evangelize non believers alike thru Basic christian doctrines. Faith in God, The holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, sin, salvation & forgiveness , heaven and hell.
Saxman's Anointed Music & Ministry
- Total Hits: 109,075
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This is a message board of Min. Jimmy Fleming. Posts includes chords, Gospel Music, prayers, devotionals, and just plain fellowship with believers all over the world.
Mathematical Evidence
- Total Hits: 92,135
Yesterday: 19
Today: 3
Mathematical Evidence that the Gen 1.1 and John 1.1 are of Divine origin. Pi and the exponential constant 'e' encoded
West Park UMC
- Total Hits: 91,040
Yesterday: 2
Today: 1
A web site showing the activties and beliefs of a Bible believing church.